Summer Internships 

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About the Chiva Program

The “Chiva” internship program is designed to bring, college-aged students into Communities, giving them the opportunity to pour in and serve in the mission field while being trained and discipled. Since 2005 there have been over 60 interns brought to Mexico and Nicaragua to give up a summer of their lives to serving the Lord and pour into the communities and Hope Centers. Since then, interns have returned for several terms, and some have since then come on staff with Little Ones Ministries.

While in Mexico, I gained a sincere appreciation for the local church congregations who are faithfully living out the gospel of Jesus Christ and serving their communities.
— Matthew Cummings, Chiva 2018
I felt a calling on my life but had no idea how to make it happen. During a time of reflection and prayer, I had a friend mention he was taking a group of missionaries to Nicaragua. I was in! Fast forward 5 months, I step off the plane in Managua, Nicaragua to experience a peace that truly surpassed all understanding. I knew I was in the exact place I was supposed to be.
— Kadreona Shane, Chiva 2018

To request information about the Chiva program, fill out the form below: