Gideon 300
In Luke 4 we see Jesus state why he was here, ‘to set the captives free’. As Gideon 300, we are men who are passionate about ‘setting the captives free’ as we follow Jesus. The challenge we face is this: to be in 25 locations by 2025. How we do that involves you helping build a financial foundation for the work there, and receiving help to be a man who stands firm here. Gideon was just a normal man. But he loved God and stood firm against oppression in his own land. And he was also used by God to lead 300 men who were not fearful or trembling, to go set Israel free from the hands of the enemy.
The work is increasing in Nicaragua and Mexico as we reach children and families in new ways and new communities. To be in 25 locations by 2025 is a monumental task. But since it is a call from God, it can be done. We must act. They need us to build not only a foundational base to push forward in new territories, but to be committed men in our own country, our own clan, as Gideon was. They need us to help them bridge their community to their churches, and help establish them more firmly, so they too can help us all move forward to set captives free.
Many men have been distracted from the call to battle for the hearts and minds of men…for our families and our churches…and for each other. We will be looking for ways to encourage you to help you prepare for battle. First and foremost is your relationship with our Father.
We will challenge you to live out the idea of setting captives free where you live also. You will receive a weekly blog, have a monthly book suggestion, be invited to a quarterly meeting of men, receive a quarterly book gift, and be invited to an annual celebration breakfast.
Gideon 300 is not a men’s ministry. We are ministry of men who are on a mission to set captives free in new locations, as well as here. How we encourage, or give each other courage, is important to our call. So, not only will you be helping, you will receive help here to push forward against gates which will not prevail.
What do I do?
- Fill out the information form
- Begin praying for the battle ahead
- Save the date - May 21, 2020 for our annual breakfast
- Start your financial gift of $125/month now
Join Gideon 300 today by filling out the form below